I love the illustration and the graphic of retro advertisement, always make me smile! So i selected for you 40 vintage ads for Halloween.
Hope you will enjoy! Happy Vintage Halloween!!
1:: Rheingold beer
2:: Schlitz beer 1956
3:: Skinless Frankfurter or Wieners 1941
4:: Spun-lo underwear
5:: Sunkist frozen fruit punches
6:: Texaco anti freeze 1951
7:: Tootsie Rolls candy 1954
8:: Waxtex waxed paper
9:: Reddy Wip whipped cream
10:: Woolworth’s catalog 1954
11:: Lucky Strike cigarette 1949
12:: M&M’s candies
13:: Milky Way bar 1953
14:: Post cereals 1959
15:: Hallmark store
16:: Jell-O gelatin dessert 1952
17:: Karo syrup
18:: Kellogg’s
19:: Kool-Aid flavored drink mix
20:: Milky Way candy bars
21:: Crutiss candy 1960
22:: Dubble Bubble gum
23:: Gibbs underwear 1948
24:: Brach’s candies 1962
25:: Griffin boot polish
26:: Cracker Jack snak 1954
27:: Crayola crayons
28:: Crisco shortening
29::Crutiss candy 1954
30:: Brach’s candy 1958
31:: Budweiser beer
32:: Calling All Girls magazine 1958
33:: Cameo stockings 1959
34:: Chlorodent toothpaste
35:: 7UP soft drink 1945
36:: Aunt Jemima’s Pancake
37:: Band-Aid adhesive bandage
38:: Blatz beer 1947
39:: Dr. Pepper soft drink 1946
40:: Crutiss candies 1956